Easy Veg Moussaka

Easy Veg Moussaka.png


1 Large Aubergine

1 Bell Pepper

1 Large Beef Tomato (or a handful of smaller tomatoes)

1 tsp Pureed Garlic

2 tsp Dried Mixed Herbs

3 tbsp Cheezy Cashew Sauce (see my homemade recipe)


1) Pre-heat the oven to 180C/350F. Use a sharp knife to slice the aubergine into approximately 5 pieces length-ways, starting from the stalk and slicing all the way down to the bottom. This shall keep the aubergine intact at the top, but create 5 slices that are held together by the stalk.

2) Lay the sliced aubergine on a non-stick baking tray and carefully move each piece apart to create 4 gaps. Brush each slice of aubergine with pureed garlic and sprinkle with some of the dried herbs.

3) Between each slice of aubergine, place some slices of bell pepper, tomatoes and a drizzle of cheesy cashew sauce. Top with a few more mixed herbs.

4) Follow the same process between each aubergine segment and then place in the oven for 30 mins or until the veg is cooked to your liking.

5) Remove from the oven and top with a bit more cheesy cashew sauce or some additional chopped tomatoes. Enjoy with a side salad, some quinoa or an alternative grain, a jacket potato or just as it is on it’s own.

Top Tips

If there are any ingredients that you do not like in any of my recipes, then feel free to swap them out for another food choice within the same food category (grains, beans & other legumes, fruit, veg, nuts & seeds).

You can also use frozen veg when you don’t have the fresh option.

Don’t forget to keep the skins on your veg for essential added fibre and nutrition.

Why not try my other healthy recipes? Explore my breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and other delicious dessert recipes.

Don't forget to tag me in to any of your creations @carolinecollardnutrition when using my healthy recipe ideas. I'd love to see your progress on your journey to better health and may even feature your creations in my posts!


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